Can You Freeze Vape Juice | E-Liquid Shelf Life

Can I Freeze Vape Juice to Prolong E-Liquid Shelf Life?

If you have mixed your own DIY E-Liquid Juice or bought vape juice from a local shop then you should not store it in the freezer, and it is not recommended to store them in the refrigerator.

Can We Freeze DIY Base Solutions?

With the introduction of homemade e-liquid, several vapers wondered about the best way to store their DIY bases. Mega Vaper helps you to respect the essentials for maximum safety.

The change in temperature as radical as the freezing of a base is chemically unreliable. After freezing, your base would suffer from too much viscosity that would alter the chemical properties and therefore your consumption. With the chemists of the biggest brands of DIY, we recommend you avoid this type of maneuver. If you have already frozen a few liters of the base, know that they are not unfit for consumption, but that the manufacturers of DIY are currently in decline to ensure 100% safety.

NOTE: You cannot actually freeze e-liquid.  The freezing points for DIY Nic, PG, and VG are below the standard freezer temperatures.

Freezing of e-Liquids by Solution

  • Off the Shelf E-liquids (mixed) – Not recommended for freezing or the refrigerator.
  • Nicotine Solution – Recommended to prolong the life and keep the nic from degrading. (PG Nic is recommended for longevity)
  • PG Propylene Glycol Solution – Not Recommended for freezing or storing in the refrigerator.
  • VG Vegetable Glycerine Solution – Not Recommended for freezing or storing in the refrigerator.

*References base on The Dow Chemical Company

Where is the best place to Store My E-liquid Ingredients or Vape Juices

You should know that a DIY base does not perish itself; it is rather subject to aging which makes its chemistry unstable. The main elements that accelerate these changes relate to temperature variations, UV, etc.

We recommend you keep your vape bases in a place, protected from the light. Ideally, you want to store your vape juice bases and juice bottles in a cool dark location! Thus, you will be sure to guarantee a stable vape, without any parasitic taste.

How Long do DIY E-Liquids and Vape Juices Last?

As with all products, your DIY base mentions an optimal end date for consumption. We recommend you to respect it as far as possible, but know that after this date, your base, if it has been well preserved, does not necessarily have to be stored. Again, it is optimal conservation that will extend its duration. life.


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